Be in the Know - Guiding Adolescents » Supporting Social Emotional Learning at Home

Supporting Social Emotional Learning at Home

Talking with Teens:  
Know you need to talk to your teen about important topics but need help to start the conversation? This guide is for parents and guardians to walk through conversations regarding hopefulness, marijuana, vape and tobacco, sex and consent, boundaries, dating, identity, alcohol, mental health, friends, prescription drugs and sources of strength. Twelve Talks for Teens
Adolescent Anxiety:
Did you know that 1 out of 3 adolescents experience anxiety and that it continues to increase in youth? Here are resources to assist what we have learned about supporting youth with anxiety.
Adolescent Body Image & Disordered Eating:
  • Video: Helping Your Teen Develop a Better Relationship with Food and Their Body by Children’s Hospital
  • Book: “More Than A Body: Your Body Is An Instrument Not an Ornament” by Dr. Lindsay Kite & Dr. Lexie Kit
  • Five Body Neutrality Tips for Home
    1. Refrain from making comments about their appearance (even if positive!)
    2. Co-view media and talk about stereotypes they see
    3. Re-define health & fitness. (How do they feel after certain foods, is it good fuel, internal indicators of health other than weight ( heart rate, blood pressure, etc)
    4. Empower them. “You are more than a body”
    5. When they ask how they look, respond with practicality. “How do you feel?” “Can you move/play/dance in those clothes?”

Navigating Friendship Drama Conversations at Home:
What happened? What do you think the problem is? 
2. How did you feel when they said that/that happened? That must have felt really hurtful. 
3. How can I support you right now? 
4. What are some options you’d be willing to try to deal with this? How do you think they would react if you tried doing that?
5. I know this is hard and I believe you can handle it in a positive way. Being able to handle conflict is a skill.