(All enrollment details are subject to change per Jeffco)
Compass Montessori participates in the Jeffco Public Schools Enrollment Process for Preschool - High School.
- December 5, 2024 Round 1 opens for Pre-K through 12th grade
- January 17, 2025 Round 1 closes for Pre-K through 12th grade
- January 23, 2025 Round 2 (waitlist) opens for Pre-K through 12 grade
- August 31, 2025 Round 2 (waitist) closes for Pre-K through 12 grade
For EnrollJeffco submissions and questions, please visit www.enrolljeffco.org
- Nov 13, 2024 4PM & 6PM (Golden Campus) - Full
- Nov 20, 2024 4PM & 6PM (Wheat Ridge Campus)- Full
- Jan 8, 2025 4PM & 6PM (Golden & Wheat Ridge Campus) - Full
Secondary Student-Led Tours for the 2025 - 2026 enrollment season will be as follows:
- November 12, 2024 from 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM - RSVP HERE- complete!
- December 5, 2024 from 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM - RSVP HERE - complete!
- January 9, 2025 from 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM - RSVP HERE
Can I apply to a specific campus or put in a request for a certain campus at Compass Montessori?
We do not take requests and spots are offered based on availability. When students are offered a spot at Compass Montessori School - you may be offered a spot at our Golden campus or our Wheat Ridge campus, based on where we have availability for you (not based on applicant’s preference).
What if I get offered a spot at one campus, but was hoping for the other campus and I decline the offer?
You forfeit your spot.
Can I request a part time program for my student (instead of full day)?
We only offer a full time five-day-per week program for all students. The consistency and repetition is an important part of acclimating students to their learning environments and is consistent with an authentic Montessori experience. If you are a parent/guardian of a preschooler and you're feeling nervous about this, we'll help you through the transition and have systems in place to make it easy on you and the children. We ask for your partnership on this. They'll be high fiving you and proudly walking through the front doors on their own before you know it!
If I have more than one child, and we are offered two different campuses, is there ever a chance they will be reunited?
Families of PK-6 grade students enrolled at both campuses may apply for reunification the following school year, and approval is based on availability (which can be rare).
What should I know about Compass and a Montessori education before applying?
It’s really important that parents and guardians educate themselves on whether Montessori is right for them. We have some helpful information on our website (Why Montessori and About Compass) to help guide you. But, we encourage all families to do a deep dive into how a Montessori learning environment is different from most traditional schools. We offer a couple of Parent Education opportunities each year, but these workshops are only meant to compliment what you are already learning on your own.
We want it to be a good fit in both directions. We believe wholeheartedly in this method of teaching, and we watch it work for countless students. To be successful, parents and guardians must learn to let their child lead, consider their child’s developmental stage and be ready to let go of doing everything for their child. Many parents struggle with this, and that can be an obstacle for some new parents in a Montessori learning environment.
Is Compass Montessori a public or private school?
Compass Montessori is a Jeffco Public School charter school. We are not a private institution.
How many students attend Compass Montessori?
We have about 700 students on our Golden and Wheat Ridge campuses from Children's House (Pre-K) through High School.
What is the typical class size for students at Compass Montessori?
On average our Children's House and Elementary classrooms have about 30 children in them, and two teachers (plus aides who float in during other parts of the day). Our Farm School offers three occupations with about 50 students in each, and three guides (teachers). Our high school operates like a small liberal arts college, and students rotate through their work in small groups guided by their own intrinsic motivation in partnership with their guides and advisors.
Compass Montessori School 2024-25 Tuition Fees
(Our Children's House program is full-time only.)
- Material fees (in lieu of traditional school supplies) $200- $400 depending on level
- Trip fees (3rd -12 grade students go on one or two overnight trips each school year at Compass. Trip costs vary from $50 - $400, depending on the level and destination. High School trips may be higher.)
- Field/day trips (field trips are an important part of our Montessori curriculum, so expect several a year)
- Hot lunch fees ($4.00 - $5 each day. We do not participate in School Cafe, but instead serve a healthy, fresh food menu monthly. You may participate in our hot lunch program or pack your child's own lunch.)
- Extracurricular (Optional after school enrichment classes, athletics programs, clubs such as Destination Imagination, etc)
As a part of the enrollment process, after a student has been offered a space, parents or guardians will be asked to notify the school if their child is on a 504 or an IEP. Jeffco Schools will request further information to ensure that the school can service the student’s needs. These considerations will be reviewed on a case by case basis by Jefferson County Schools.
Please read more in the document attached below.