Aquamarine Room » Aquamarine Overview

Aquamarine Overview

Welcome to the Aquamarine Room

Christy Curton and Nathan Ginn


Fostering Choice, Independence, and Responsibility

“The child is free to choose his or her own work but the child is not

 free to not work.” -Maria Montessori

Children in Montessori environments learn through their work to be independent thinkers.  Through the work they do in the classroom, children are given the choice to explore a spark of interest.  Research and self-guided learning are both important aspects of the elementary classroom.


We also work to help the children become independent thinkers, life-long learners, and to be responsible members of a community.  They are accountable for being a member of our classroom community, which later translates to being a member of the greater world.


Other Characteristics of the Second Plane Child:

  •  They use their reasoning mind to arrive at an understanding.
  • They start to pull away from the family. This occurs because of an inner urge towards entering the wider society.
  • They become daring and adventurous. They are developing courage.
  • Conscience develops, with keen awareness of right and wrong.
  • Greater need for independence-in the family and in the greater society.
  • Sense of Hero-worship.
  • Development of a sense of justice and compassion.
  • Have a greater potential of the intellect: a desire for big tasks and projects.


Field Trips and Going-Outs

The secure classroom environment is no longer enough at the 2nd plane.  The child needs to take their own place in society.  They also need to be prepared to live in the greater society.  The children are learning what society is doing, what kinds of lives are being led and what kinds of work is happening.  

Field Trips are planned for our students so they can experience new and different things and places.  These may relate to what we are studying or just be a great place to explore.

Going-Outs are planned by the children and are related to what they are studying.  Phone calls are made, routes are planned, and dates are chosen by the children.  Field Trips and Going-Outs are both important practical life works for elementary children.

If you have not already done so, please complete this blanket permission form.  

Work at Home

There is always Practical Life work to do at home!  It is so important for families to spend time together after a long day of being apart.  The children work hard at school all day. Family outings are a great way to spend your time together.  Go on bike rides, plan picnics, and have fun!  It is beneficial for children to get “bored”. This is often the place where creative ideas are born.  It is important to set up the home environment in such a way that promotes independence and purposeful work.  Children can hang up their own coats on hooks at their level, clean their rooms, know the place for their toys and other work, help cook and clean up, and many other everyday activities.  

Writing is a wonderful work at home.  Get a beautiful journal in which your child can write.  Let them help with grocery lists and thank-you notes. Please contact me if you would like assistance in acquiring any items in order to help with this process.      


Clothing Policy

Please familiarize yourselves with the school clothing policy as published in the Parent Handbook. 



We celebrate birthdays in Elementary as a classroom community, without parents.  We have a special “Circle of Appreciation” for the birthday child on their special day, or the day before or after if the birthday falls on a weekend or break.  We are also going to do Birthday Bread again.  At the beginning of each month, the children with birthdays in that month will work as a group to select a recipe and prepare bread to share at the end of the month with the class.  We kindly ask that no invitations be distributed at school.  As an alternative, children can write, address, and mail invitations as a great Practical Life work.  And, the receiving child will be thrilled to get something in the mail addressed to them!  Please refer to the student directory to get addresses for the invitations. 

Arrival and Departure 

Our building doors will open at 8:00. Please make every effort to have your child at school as close to 8:00 as possible.  If you arrive after 8:15, the doors will be locked and children will need to go to the main office to sign-in.  Please use only the carline loop for drop-off and pick-up.  

School ends at 2:45.  Please pick up your child by 3:00.  If your child needs to leave early, please stop by the office to sign-out and they will call the classroom to get your child.



We have several opportunities for parents to volunteer throughout the year.  We have a few ideas already, (Reading Volunteers, Going-Out Chaperones, and classroom laundry) and will keep you posted as more arise.  Please keep an eye out for more information on each of these opportunities in the coming days.  Let me know if you are interested in doing a small presentation to the class about your trade/work or other hobby or travels. 


First Monday Observation Walks

The first Monday of every month, Aquamarine will go on a one mile loop walk in the morning.  Please help children to be prepared with appropriate/good walking shoes and clothing depending on the days’ weather.  



Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.  The best way to do this is through an email message.  It is extremely important to respect the work cycle in our classroom.  I will respond to messages in a timely manner, and if the need arises for an additional conference time, we can set an appointment. 


Community Life

Our Classroom is a very human community where all of the thrills and challenges of being human exist.  We work at being a respectful community and not just a class.  We will implement a series of Peace Lessons that will guide us to be more loving, kind, considerate and respectful to ourselves and each other.


Thank you all so much for the joy of working with your children!



Christy Curton

Aquamarine Guide

Compass Montessori School

[email protected]


 School Supplies Needed From Each Child: 

  • small backpack or bag
  • indoor shoes or slippers (to be left at school)
  • water bottle (to be left at school)
  • P.E. shoes/tennis shoes (on Tuesdays and Thursdays)