Athletics & Extra Curriculars 2024 -25 » Flag Football

Flag Football


What is Compass Flag Football

Flag Football is a sport under the Jefferson County (Jeffco) Middle School Sports Program (MSSP). 2024 will be our inaugural season and we couldn't be more excited! 

According to the National Football League (NFL), "The foundation of youth sports is more than just the fundamentals. It’s about being a part of team and, most importantly, having fun." At Compass, the spirit behind this sport perfectly aligns with our Mission and Vision within our Athletics department! The game itself comes with both physical and emotional challenges for youth. The National Flag Football Association outlines 5 benefits to the sport: 1) Health, Teamwork, Discipline, Mental Toughness, and Socialization. Each of these benefits help round out a child with many qualitative elements. 

Jeffco MSSP Flag Football is non-contact sport played 8 v 8 with other Jeffco middle schools. If this sports intrigues you or your child, read more below and register for the Fall season!


1.) You need to REGISTER to participate ONCE REGISTRATION OPENS. 

2.) Submit your ATHLETICS RELEASE form (this can be filled out once for your child and is good for the entire school year for any sports in which they wish to participate).

3.) Submit a CURRENT PHYSICAL (the exam must be dated within a year of the start of the sport season in which your child wants to participate). You can submit the physical in two ways: 1. The form from the doctor that clearly says your child is healthy and can participate in sports or activities, or 2. Have your doctor fill out the Compass Physical form found in the Resources section.

All physical forms must be submitted during the registration process so please have that file ready to upload. Even if your submitted a physical file from a past sport, you will still need to re-submit for every new sport at Compass. Thank you.

Who Can Participate: Boys and Girls 6th grade - 8th grade can compete in games and practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week.

If your child is younger than 6th grade and wants to participate, please reach out to Dan Gladden, Athletics Coordinator for consideration.

We welcome ANY and ALL athletes, no matter their abilities, size, or experience. Whether you are someone new to sport or someone looking for ways to stay healthy, we want you to join our team!

Where: Practices are at Tony Grampsas Park next to the Compass Golden Campus, on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 3:15-4:30p. Games schedules will be announced at a later time once the season has begun but will be on a Tuesday or Thursday in place of practice.

When: This is a Fall sport starting Tuesday August 20th and going till October 10th.

Game Schedules: The games schedule will be posted above at the top of this page once available.

A reminder for each practice and before being allowed to participate:

  • Athletic Shoes or cleats
  • Completed registration with correct forms
  • Water bottle (provided by Compass) or your own
  • A positive attitude and a "coachable" mentality

Fee: The fee to participate can be paid during registration

Compass will provide the equipment such as the game shirts, flags, cones, field space, and footballs. YOU will need to provide shoes, athletic clothing, gloves, and anything else you want to use.

Forms and App: As a reminder, all participants of athletics programs at Compass Montessori must complete the required forms PRIOR to participating in any athletic team practices or games. Also, be sure to download the STACK TEAM APP, which is used for all communications during the season!

Contact: You can contact us about any questions either directly to our coaches or our Athletics Coordinator.

Coach Mitch Dean

Athletics Coordinator Dan: [email protected]

Go Unicorns!